862 Hospital Drive, Tom Price, WA 6751
Emergency Ph. 0416 875 498
Suite 3A/2 Byass Street, South Hedland, WA 6722
Emergency Ph. 0416 875 498
Shop 7, IGA Paraburdoo Shopping Centre, Ashburton Avenue, WA 6754
Emergency Ph. 0416 875 498
When you have a missing tooth or teeth you can have these replaced by a removable denture ,a Bridge which is fixed and not removable or a screw in the tooth called Dental Implant. Bridges have stood the test of time and are a permanent fixed solution to the dilemma of missing teeth. Dental Implants are probably the best option but can be more expensive and requires surgery . There are pros and cons to all these modalities. Best to talk to us with your specific issue and we will be happy to advise accordingly.
See the link for bridgework