862 Hospital Drive, Tom Price, WA 6751
Emergency Ph. 0416 875 498
Suite 3A/2 Byass Street, South Hedland, WA 6722
Emergency Ph. 0416 875 498
Shop 7, IGA Paraburdoo Shopping Centre, Ashburton Avenue, WA 6754
Emergency Ph. 0416 875 498
We will be honoured to be your family Dentist. Someone you can turn to in a dental emergency . Our after hours mobile is always on 7 days a week for help and advice from our experienced dentists across the Pilbara.
To BHP, Rio Tinto, FMG and the like we are happy to establish a line of communication with your supervisors and/or your Emergency medical officers. You can be reassured in the knowledge that you have reliable Emergency dental support from us when needed. From tooth abscesses to fractured jaws to work site accidents. We have systems in place to deal with workers compensation claims, specialist referrals and RFDS transfers. You can confidently make us your first port of call for Dental Emergencies
With the advent of the first dolphin dental chair installed at our flagship premises in South Hedland the children of the Pilbara can have a lovely happy experience at the dentist. Good memories at an early age means regular visits which translates to good healthy teeth throughout their adult lives.
We are on your land and we acknowledge the people of the Pilbara and Western Desert region. Pilbara Dental Staff have a special place for the Peoples of this region. Our mission is to improve the oral health and hygiene of the indigenous community in a quantitatively verifiable way. Our Outreach team will go out to the Pilbara Communities to assess patients, transporting those in need of treatment to our South Hedland clinic, treating them in a suite dedicated to them.
Pilbara Dental South Hedland is the first Dental Centre to feature – The First Australians Suite – a room specially decorated with an Indigenous theme